For detailed information on EPME DL related courses or protocol please see the following:
Examples of questioned covered:
2. How do I get into AU Portal? It is telling me I do not have an account, but will not let me create one. Plus, I know I have one!
3. How do I create an Enlisted Student Support account?
4. Why hasn’t my test posted?
5. Why can’t I order my test?
6. How do I extend? Why didn’t my extension work in my course?
7. The edition number for my Course material is different, am I studying the right
8. How do I get into Canvas?
9. Why is my rank wrong? Why does the course show me as AMN, 1st Lt or 2nd Lt?
10. How do I get my Certificate or Records Updated?
11. How do I update my Test Control Facility (TCF [Testing Location])?