Answered By: Ashley Richardson Last Updated: Apr 19, 2021 Views: 278
To find guidance on how Air University OPME students can register or drop courses in the ASU Canvas platform please see: Officer Professional Military Education Combined Student Handbook, sections 1.3.4 and 1.3.5
1.3.4 Course Registration
Students are not automatically registered for courses. Students may register for courses based upon their personal and professional schedules.
Registering for Programs on ASU Platform
Step 1: Log onto the Student Portal (
Step 2: Click ‘Register’ for the applicable course and then ‘Resume’ to access the course on ASU canvas.
Note: Facilitated courses will not be visible in ASU Canvas until the Friday prior to the course start date.
ASU also has registration guidance on their website: Air University | United States Air Force (
"If you meet the program eligibility requirements, you must create an Air University Portal account before applying. A common access card is required to create an account using the following method:
1. Log in to the Air Force Portal.
2. Under Quick Links, scroll down to Education/Training/Force Development.
3. Click on the Air University Portal (AU Portal).
4. Go to the silver bar that reads, “Click here to log in or create a new account.”
5. Click on “Create Account.”
Once you have an account and are logged in to the Air University Portal:
1. Hover over Distance Learning in the Menu bar.
2.Hover over your Professional Military Education of choice.
3. Select Apply.
Once you have completed this step and your account is verified, ASU will send you an email to create an account and begin your program."
For students on the ASU platform: Prior to the registration deadline you may drop a course using the student portal by selecting the “Drop course” link for the applicable course. After the registration deadline, contact eSchool Student Services using the Student Portal and selecting Support on the left panel and selecting chat or email to submit the request (see Chapter 3).
In the request, include the following information:
• Full name and grade (including middle initial)
- No shortened names (e.g., Joey for Joseph or Betty for Elizabeth)
- No nicknames (e.g., Call signs)
• Course name and section/seminar number
• Reason for withdrawal ALL STUDENTS For facilitated courses, students must withdraw prior to the course start date. Students dropping after the course start date or remaining in the course without participating, will receive an unsatisfactory grade. Students who receive 4 unsatisfactory grades will be suspended. (See Paragraph 1.3.8.) Exceptions to policy will be granted by the Director of Student Services on a case-by-case basis.
For facilitated courses, students must withdraw prior to the course start date. Students dropping after the course start date or remaining in the course without participating, will receive an unsatisfactory grade. Students who receive 4 unsatisfactory grades will be suspended. (See Paragraph 1.3.8.) Exceptions to policy will be granted by the Director of Student Services on a case-by-case basis.
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