Answered By: 6 Ref
Last Updated: Dec 27, 2019     Views: 290

The Director and the Chief of the Reader Services Division administer donations and prospective gift offers. 

Those wishing to make arrangements to donate materials should complete the MSFRIC Donation Form.  The Chief of the Reader Services will respond with further instructions regarding your donation.

  • In general, MSFRIC accepts gift materials but carefully screens each item for collection relevance and value.  Items not selected for retention are either returned to the donor or may be offered to other libraries or the Defense Redistribution and Marketing Office as appropriate.
  • Once books or materials are accepted for addition to the MSFRIC collection, they become U.S. Government property and will not be returned to donors.
  • Routine offers from students, faculty, and members of the local civilian community of books and materials that support teaching, learning and research activities are generally reviewed by the Reader Services Chief.
  • Major prospective offers of collections, items of value due to rarity or cost, are referred to the MSFRIC Director. 
  • Substantial gifts of money or real property are governed by AFI 51-601 (Gifts to the Air Force).  Non-federal funds, gifts, and awards require legal review. 
  • The MSFRIC Director does not provide monetary appraisals of prospective donations, but will provide written acknowledgement of receipt if requested.
  • MSFRIC library staff are prohibited from accepting gifts and gratuities of any kind.


Individuals may file this form to report information about noncash charitable contributions.: Form 8283:  Noncash Charitable Contributions (

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