Visit the AF Historical Research Agency for information about specific airplanes.
A FAQ response is listed below from their homepage.
How can I find out what happened to a specific aircraft by tail number?
The Agency maintains individual aircraft records for almost all aircraft once or presently in the United States Air Force inventory. These records begin in 1924 and continue to July 1990. They are approximately 98 percent complete. The records for many aircraft of the early 1920s and for aircraft in highly sensitive reconnaissance programs are not available. Each set of aircraft records has its own unique characteristics, but for most planes one may learn the manufacturer, place of production, date of delivery, units of assignment, duty stations and final disposition. During the World War II era, only theaters of assignment (in code) were listed rather than the unit. The aircraft record card collection is filed by military serial number. Researchers may visit the Agency to conduct their research or contact the Agency by letter or e-mail.
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